Sugarsync vs Dropbox
SugarSync, an online storage and backup service. Dropbox is the simplest, most powerful way to sync files across computers. Both of them have similar plans. You will find SugarSync a little cheaper for both 500GB. However, if you insist on using the free cloud drive, Sugarsync provides 60GB for free using only 30 days. Dropbox Basic Edition is totally free and provides 2GB at first. It also provides incentive methods for you getting more space. In accordance with testing, privacy of Sugarsync is higher than Dropbox. So maybe it is necessary store file in Sugarsync and transfer/move to Dropbox before out of date.
MultCloud helps you transfer/move files from Sugarsync to Dropbox easily
MultCloud is designed for multiple cloud drives management. It is a 100% FREE web-based application released in June 2013. As for the authorization system of MultCloud, it is based on OAuth. OAuth is a standard authorization framework that enables third party applications to access multiple cloud accounts without username and password required. So it is a safe application.
Step by step to transfer/move files from Sugarsync to Dropbox with MultCloud
After you have added Sugarsync and Dropbox accounts in MultCloud, everything become easy. To put it simply, there are three ways to transfer/move files from Sugarsync to Dropbox. Let me show with images. First is also the simplest way--drag directly!
Second, copy and "Copy to".
If you select "Copy", you should paste it in Dropbox.
If you select "Copy to", you should set in the pop-up window: select Dropbox and click "Transfer". The optional box "Move" on the left bottom means whether remove the original file in the SugarSync or not.
Now you see, with MultCloud, you could manage files on different cloud drives and get more ease in life. Besides transferring/moving files from Sugarsync to Dropbox, MultCloud also supports previewing files and sharing files. Besides Sugarsync and Dropbox, MultCloud also supports other popular cloud drives, include: Google Drive, Box, Amazon S3 and OneDrive.